Sunday, January 4, 2009

Free Continental Breakfast, Part 2

Free Continental Breakfast, Part 2

The ring on her finger was cutting off her circulation, she could feel her finger tip begin to tingle, but she had to show it off tomorrow. Her boyfriend, now her fiancé, was apologetic about the ring size and wanted to get it resized right away. The jewelry store did not close until nine o'clock pm. She convinced him to wait, she did not want to part with it just yet. There was no way she was not going to wear it to work first. The girls at the office would be so excited for her. It had been seven years of dropping hints and near breakups to get her ring.

That night she did not sleep with the ring on, fearing the possibility her finger might fall of in the middle of the night. Instead she looped her necklace that her father gave her through the size four hole and wore both to sleep. When she woke after hours of trying to fall asleep, she felt around her chest frantically, then over her right shoulder, grasped her prize and brought it back to the front, nearer to her heart. Then, she smiled in relief because it was not all a dream and rolled in the covers with uncontainable excitement. Today was her day.

Turning her stereo up as loud as it would go, she tiptoed her way into the always hot, steaming shower while singing at the top of her lungs and from the bottom of her heart. Then, after she was finished, still high on life and singing, she dried off and wiped the mirror clear. Now, looking deep into her own eyes for a second, losing herself momentarily, she snaps out of it and takes a long look at her own naked body. The scar on her shoulder still made her self conscious though it had healed well over the past few years. However, on occasion it still sent a shiver down her spine

She could not believe she did not pick something out to wear before morning came. She searches her closet for something she has never worn to work before, but no such luck. So, she settles for her flirty little black, low v-neck dress she bought from Victoria’s Secret. It was the one that drove her fiancĂ© crazy. He could not keep his hands off of her when she wore it and to make it worse on him she would intentionally request to go home early and skip the movie, claiming not to feel well.

Finally, after putting on make-up, a splash of one of her so-called hypnotic fragrances and some expensive hand lotion, she slides, twists and pulls the ring down her once lonely finger.

She leaves the house acknowledging she had never felt like this in her life...

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