Saturday, January 3, 2009

Free Continental Breakfast

Free Continental Breakfast

His sleek black phone vibrated in the cup holder in the car but it was not heard over the crackling voice of Ryan Adams belting out “cold roses” over and over. It was not until the brief silence between songs did he hear the annoying single beep that lets you know there is a message waiting. Quickly, without hesitation, he tried to press pause on his cd player, but increased the volume instead. He lets out an expletive and glanced at the cd player. This time, not pressing buttons blindly.

Swerving somewhat to the middle of the road he retrieves the phone and before looking at the name of the missed call he adjust his steering and takes a breath. He mutters to himself, “Is this how its going to be today?”

Not answering himself, but delivering a peak at the name in the rectangle box against the grey screen on his cell phone, it read Mandy 11:02 pm Tues July 9, 2008.

He had not been expecting her to call. Her lunch break was not until noon and her boss, Mr. Sam, was stealth, among other adjectives, and he would dock anyone’s pay the amount of time he thought they might have spent on the phone, If he caught them. He often did by hiding behind cabinets, peaking around corners, steaking out the bathroom, and being caught once by him was enough to get the point. A simple memeo asking employees not to use the cell phone during work hours would have sufficed.

For him calling Mandy back right now was debatable. He did not want to see her in trouble with good ole' Mr. Sam, so he waited until a little after noon to call. It was 12:08, to be exact.

He presses the call button...

“Hello,” answered Mandy.
“What’s up, Its me. You called? Is Mr. Sam out of the office today or something?”
“No, I called in sick today.”
“Mandy! Really! Why didn’t you call this morning…before your- ”
“I’m not sick, sick, like ill or nothing!” Interrupting.

He is now confused, kind of distracted really, trying to reason to himself why she would just take a day off. This was not the typical Mandy. Her ends barely met as it was, at least she made it seem that way. She was always complaining about finances, saying they need to spend more time with each other, but at home because it cost too much to go to either the movies, dinner, or both.

“So, what’s up?” Not really knowing how to respond.
“I think maybe you should come over.”
“Now?” He asks as if he is in some sort of trouble.
“Today.” She replies firmly.
“Are you okay?” Speaking genuinely.

*To be continued

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